A&D Weighing AD-4212A-600 Production System Display and Aluminum Housing 610Gx 0.001g

A&D Weighing AD-4212A-600 Production System Display and Aluminum Housing 610Gx 0.001g

For order related query plaese email us at info@divinetechscientific.com

High-precision weighing with a 0.8-second response time

  • FAST, MID, and SLOW stabilization settings let you choose the right combination of response time and sensitivity for your application
  • Compact footprint and mounting fixtures make integration into existing production line systems easy
  • Create your own weighing pan to better suit your samples
  • Separate sensor and display units are perfect for isolated weighing — such as inside vacuum chambers, fume hoods and glove boxes
  • FAST, MID, and SLOW stabilization settings let you choose the right combination of response time and sensitivity for your application
  • Compact footprint and mounting fixtures make integration into existing production line systems easy
  • Create your own weighing pan to better suit your samples
  • Separate sensor and display units are perfect for isolated weighing — such as inside vacuum chambers, fume hoods and glove boxes
  • Display unit can be panel or wall mounted
  • Patented shock absorber fitted under the weighing pan protects sensor from vertical and transverse overloads
  • Standard bidirectional RS-232 interface connects to PC for data download and control
  • Output conforms to GLP/GMP requirements