Tabletop Filling System Using Piston Pumps

Tabletop Filling System Using Piston Pumps

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Dispense solutions for small batch filling needs with precise accuracy

  • Dispense from
  • Maintain high accuracy (±0.5% or better) with high cycle rate
  • Handle a wide range of viscosities
Ideal for repetitive dispensing of free-flowing, semi-viscous, or viscous fluids. A rotating micrometer adjustment volume control is attached to the piston pump. The longer the piston pump stroke, the greater the dispensed volume. The liquid is drawn in during the first 180 degrees of the rotational motion of the micrometer volume control assembly (intake stroke), and dispensed during the second 180 degrees of the rotation (discharge stroke).
Operate the system via foot switch (included with system) or continuous cycle mode.